Hazem Hagrass

Software Engineer

Technical Lead

Hazem Hagrass
Hazem Hagrass
Hazem Hagrass
Hazem Hagrass

Software Engineer

Technical Lead


  • date: Aug 28, 2017
  • Categories: Mobile Development

  • July 2013,This is an open source contribution for phonegap to help developers to send html email to any email accounts you want including attachmentsThis Plugin is inspired from EmailComposer plugin here , allows you to send html email to any email accounts you want including attachments and has been successfully tested from Cordova 2.2.0 through to version 6.3.Callable interface:




    for Cordova >= 3.0.0

        phonegap local plugin add https://github.com/hazemhagrass/EmailComposer.git
        cordova plugin add https://github.com/hazemhagrass/EmailComposer.git

    for Cordova >= 5.0.0

        cordova plugin add com-badrit-emailcomposer

    ATTENTION: the callback will never be triggered, it’s here only for consistency with the iOS plugin


    • callback: just for compatability with the old plugin and will be updated to work soon
    • subject: a string representing the subject of the email; could be empty
    • body: a string representing the email body (could be HTML code, in this case set isHtml to true); could be empty
    • toRecipients: array containing all the email addresses for TO field; could be empty
    • ccRecipients: array containing all the email addresses for CC field; could be empty
    • bccRecipients: a js array containing all the email addresses for BCC field; could be empty
    • isHtml: a bool value indicating if the body is HTML or plain text
    • attachments: a js array containing all full paths to the files you want to attach; could be empty
window.plugins.EmailComposer.showEmailComposerWithCallback(null,"Look at this photo","Take a look at <b>this<b/>:",["example@email.com", "johndoe@email.org"],[],[],true,["_complete_path/image.jpg", "_other_complete_path/file.zip"]);

Github: https://github.com/hazemhagrass/EmailComposer.git